
Salazar Scraps Bush-Era Oil Shale Leases. By Ayesha Rascoe,Reuters, February 27, 2009. "A Bush administration plan for demonstration oil shale leases will be scrapped because the proposal is flawed and royalties to the government are too low, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said on Wednesday. Salazar also took issue with the size of the oil shale leases offered in January, which covered areas four times larger than six parcels currently leased for research... Oil shale is a fine-grained sedimentary rock containing organic matter from which oil may be produced. Environmentalists have opposed oil shale development because it consumes large amounts of water and power, and releases more greenhouse gases than traditional fuels... The United States holds more than half the world's oil shale resources. The largest known deposits are in the Green River formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, an area of 16,000 square miles."

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