A Solar Controversy Heats Up in L.A. By Kate Galbraith, NYTimes, February 24, 2009. "On March 3, residents of Los Angeles go to the polls to decide the fate of a controversial solar power proposal. Measure B, as it is known, would require the local utility -- the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power -- to ramp up solar power production dramatically by installing 400 megawatts worth of panels by 2014... The ballot measure, which has union support, says that the solar systems should be 'installed, owned, operated and maintained' by the L.A.D.W.P. Opponents charge that the utility has never done anything like installing large numbers of solar panels before, and it is likely to be more inept at it than more experienced private installers... Dueling Web sites both for and against the measure, are proliferating, as are, of course, dueling Facebook groups. The Los Angeles Times has been covering both sides of the issue."

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