
U.S. Military is Trying to Cut Its Enormous Energy Appetite. By Anna Mulrine, USNews, March 19, 2009. "Can the U.S. military go green? After all, this is the government branch that brought in the 68-ton M1 Abrams tank, which gets 0.6 mile per gallon. The humvee, logging 4 miles per gallon in the city and 8 on highways, seems downright efficient in comparison. The answer currently coming out of the Department of Defense is that it had better go green. Today, the Air Force and Army, the Defense Department's two biggest energy consumers, are under strict orders to look into ways to become more earnest energy savers. The potential savings, senior defense officials say, are enormous. So, too, is the possibility for the military to be a catalyst for new technologies applicable in the civilian world."

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