
Van Jones to Advise Obama on Green Jobs. By Leslie Fulbright, SanFranChron, March 12, 2009. "Bay Area environmental activist and author Van Jones will join the Obama administration as adviser for green jobs, enterprise and innovation, the White House Council on Environmental Quality announced Tuesday. Jones, 40, is the founder of Green for All, an Oakland-based organization designed to create 'green-collar' jobs in low-income communities. He also co-founded Oakland's Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, an organization that promotes alternatives to incarceration. The outspoken Jones will help direct the administration's efforts to create '21st century jobs that improve energy efficiency and utilize renewable resources' with a specific focus on 'improvements and opportunities for vulnerable communities,' according to a written statement from Nancy Sutley, chair of the Council on Environmental Quality. Obama's stimulus package includes investing $60 billion in clean energy, environmental projects and scientific research, with $500 million dedicated to green jobs training, according to a recent blog post by Jones... Green for All, has named Silicon Valley labor chief Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins as Jones' replacement."

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