
Yale Study Finds Climate Change on America's Mind. By James Hoggan, HuffingtonPost, March 19, 2009. "A new research report [Climate Change in the American Mind, PDF, 56 pp]conducted at Yale... details the fact that, despite the global economic meltdown, over 90 percent of Americans agree that the U.S. should act rapidly to combat global warming, including 34 percent who feel the U.S. should make a large-scale effort even if it costs a lot of money. Americans overwhelmingly support calls for a comprehensive set of climate change and energy policies, including funding for research on renewable energy (92%); tax rebates for people buying fuel-efficient vehicles or solar panels (85%); and regulation of carbon dioxide as a pollutant (80%)... The study authors surveyed over 2,000 Americans last fall to extrapolate the nationwide figures."

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