Premier of Alberta Threatens Tar Sands Activists with Anti-Terror Laws. By Chris Arsenault, IPS, October 20, 2009. "In recent weeks, Greenpeace has staged three daring protests inside tar sands mines, temporarily shutting down parts of the world's largest energy project. On Oct. 3 and 4, activists blocked construction of an upgrader needed to refine heavy tar sands oil, belonging to Shell in Ft. Saskatchewan, Alberta. Civil disobedience from Greenpeace, leading to 37 arrests, has enraged Alberta's conservative government. 'We're coddling people who are breaking the law,' complained Premier Ed Stelmach during a media scrum in early October...'We're going to be working very closely with industry and our solicitor general will be reviewing all of the guidelines we have in place,' said a visibly irritated Premier Stelmach in early October."

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