Power Shift Kicks off Global Warming Speeches Across 13 states. PowerShift, November 10, 2009. "On Sunday, November 8, 2009, student global warming activists teamed up with the Cascade Climate Network, the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group and the Sierra Student Coalition to create 'Power Shift West '09' a series of actions and speeches to draw attention to the global warming crisis. The inspiring and compelling keynote speech [PDF, 10 pp] for the event was presented by Mary C. Wood... 'In fighting carbon pollution, invoke your authority. You have a moral authority called generational justice. It moves entire nations, and it can move this entire world. It is premised on an endowment that has sustained human life through the ages. This endowment holds all of the natural assets that we need to survive, including the atmosphere. It's called Earth. Earth is like a huge trust account, but with assets much more valuable than money. You can think of Earth as your survival account. Every generation has an equal right to inherit this endowment. The right to survive is the most basic human right. The protection of crucial natural resources is a moral covenant that has bonded one generation to another throughout all of human time.'"

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