
Join the Earth Day Climate Rally 'Revival' This Sunday. Commentary by Charles Komanoff, CarbonTax.org, April 20, 2010. "There are good reasons, ranging from corporate sponsorship to vapidity, to have been cynical about recent Earth Day observances. But there are even more compelling reasons -- the imminence of the climate crisis and the recent gain in denialists' political standing -- to put cynicism aside and come to Washington this Sunday for what organizers hope will be the 'largest climate rally ever.' Earth Day's original national coordinator Denis Hayes and the Earth Day Network are aiming for a 40th anniversary revival of the 'spirit of 1970' that catapulted environmentalism into public consciousness, launching a decade of environmental reforms, winning landmark legislation, and birthing the modern environmental movement...

"Denis Hayes' post on Grist: 'Humanity must swiftly abandon dirty energy sources and switch to safe, clean, decentralized, renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal. The world, led by America, must abandon the appallingly inefficient way it uses energy and swiftly embrace the most efficient new housing, transport, and industrial processes that exist. We Americans must slash our politically risky and economically catastrophic dependence on the oil wealth of nations that don't like us very much... At some point, this climate-disrupting madness has to start to stop. Come to the Mall between the Capitol Building and the White House on Sunday, April 25. Bring your spouse, your parents, your kids, your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers, your congregation, your bowling league. Vote with your bodies on April 25th at the largest climate rally ever'... We salute Denis's 40 years of advocacy, some of which is on fine display in the documentary Earth Days [watch online, 113 min.] that PBS is airing this week."

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