
Cape Wind Passage is Political Victory for Gov. Patrick. By Michael Levenson, BostGlobe, April 29, 2010. "Federal approval of Cape Wind means different things to different people: fishermen, Cape Cod homeowners, and energy consumers, to name a few. To Governor Deval Patrick, a long-time champion of the project who is waging a tough reelection campaign, it means a political victory, bolstering his argument that his administration is pioneering efforts to promote clean and renewable energy. Patrick's strong support stands in contrast with his two main opponents in the governor's race, Republican Charles D. Baker, who expresses deep skepticism about Cape Wind, and state Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill, an independent who called the federal decision yesterday a mistake. The governor has been pushing for Cape Wind since 2006, and he was beaming yesterday as he stood with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, lauding what he sees as the project's benefits: 1,000 new construction jobs and enough energy to power 75% of the Cape and Islands. Hours later, the governor's campaign blasted out a fund-raising e-mail asking his supporters to donate $50 to his reelection effort because his support for Cape Wind 'offers another example of the clear choice that the people of Massachusetts face in November.'"

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