
Kerry-Lieberman Marks an Important Step Forward. Statement by Frances Beinecke, President, NRDC, May 12, 2010. "The growing oil catastrophe in the Gulf and the Massey mine disaster have demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that we must start now to end our dangerous dependence on dirty energy, move toward safe and clean energy, and steadily cut carbon pollution. The bill released on Wednesday by Senators Kerry and Lieberman marks an important step toward passage of comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation by the Senate. Senators Kerry and Lieberman understand that Congress must enact a comprehensive clean energy and climate bill this year that puts America in control of our energy future. Senators Kerry and Lieberman should be commended for their hard work, determination and leadership on this issue. The core carbon pollution limits in the bill, covering all major pollution sources, are a solid foundation for Senate legislation. These emission limits, which will get tighter every year, will drive investments in clean energy that create jobs, cut pollution, and end our addiction to oil from dangerous locations, both offshore and overseas. The bill would be more effective if its overall pollution limits were backed up by minimum performance standards for the largest polluters. We will work to strengthen the bill to preserve more of the Clean Air Act's proven approach to cutting air pollution."

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