
A Last Chance for Cap and Trade. Commentary by Bryan Walsh, Time, May 13, 2010. "On Wednesday, May 13, when Senators John Kerry and Joseph Lieberman unveiled the American Power Act [PDF, Summary, 21 pp] cap and trade reached its apogee. It also may have reached its end... The offshore provisions were just one reason that many deeper-green environmental groups came out against the bill... Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, argued that the bill was too weak to meet the demands of climate science and contained too many giveaways for the fossil-fuel industry... Most major environmental groups came out in support of the bill, however, saying the legislation represented the best chance to put the country on a low-carbon path and that Kerry and Lieberman should be credited for attempting to pass legislation in such a toxic political environment... But the kind of support the bill will need to become law -- from Republicans -- was nowhere to be seen... Kerry has said the bill could be the last, best chance for cap and trade -- but right now, it looks like it might just be the last."

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