
White House to Extend Fuel Economy Emission Rules. By Josh Voorhees, Greenwire, May 21, 2010. "President Obama announced plans today to extend federal auto fuel economy and emissions rules through 2025 and develop new regulations for large trucks. The president also called for additional federal support for advanced automobile infrastructure, particularly for electric plug-in vehicles, and for increased regulation of non-greenhouse gas pollutants from motor vehicles. Speaking in the Rose Garden, Obama touted the effort as an 'essential part' of his overall energy and climate strategy and as a way to boost domestic manufacturing. 'The nation that leads in the clean energy economy will lead in the global economy, and I want America to be that nation,' Obama said.

"While the memorandum the president signed today instructs federal regulators to get down to work on the next round of passenger vehicle standards and the new rules for commercial buses and trucks, the order is short on details. According to administration officials, the memorandum does not include specific miles-per-gallon targets for either the next round of auto standards or the new truck rules. 'We're at the starting gate here,' Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood told reporters. 'Stay tuned.'"

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