
California, New Mexico and 3 Canadian Provinces Outline Regional Cap-and-Trade Program. By Margot Roosevelt, LATimes, July 28, 2010. "California, joined by New Mexico and three Canadian provinces, outlined a detailed plan Tuesday to curb greenhouse gas emissions in a regional cap-and-trade program by January 2012. The Western Climate Initiative, if it survives political hurdles, would be three times larger than an existing trading system for power plants in 10 Eastern states. It would cover not just the electricity sector, but most large industrial plants as well as transportation. Such state efforts are moving to the forefront just as national legislation to curb global warming pollution has stalled in Congress. However, implementation of the initiative by each state or province is by no means assured. A measure on California's November ballot, funded mainly by two Texas oil companies, would indefinitely delay AB 32, the state's 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act. That would nix the state's plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions through a cap-and-trade system."

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