
GOP Candidates Knock Global Warming. By Darren Samuelsohn, Politico, August 18, 2010. "Fueled by anti-Obama rhetoric and news articles purportedly showing scientists manipulating their own data, Republicans running for the House, Senate and governor's mansions have gotten bolder in stating their doubts over the well-established link between man-made greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. Ron Johnson, running against Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold, is the latest in a line of Republicans to take a shot at the validity of global warming... Sharron Angle, the GOP opponent for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada, said on her website in June that she thought legislation to curb greenhouse gases 'is based on an unscientific hysteria over the man-caused global warming hoax'... In California, Republican Senate nominee Carly Fiorina used a recent ad to mock Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Boxer for her description of climate change as a national security issue. 'Terrorism kills -- and Barbara Boxer's worried about the weather,' the Fiorina says in the ad. Ken Buck, Colorado's Republican Senate nominee, is also on record saying he's not a believer in man-made global warming."

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