
Senate Readies for Next Round on Drilling Regulation. By Richard Cowen, Reuters, August 13, 2010. "Some 69% of Americans said they wanted stricter regulations on oil drilling, according to a poll for the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press conducted July 29-August 1, two weeks after BP said it stopped the massive oil well leak... But getting major legislation passed will be an uphill struggle. With Republicans eyeing gains in the November 2 congressional elections, Democrats will face fierce campaign-year opposition on all major initiatives. Democrats who control Congress have made clear that when members return in mid-September from a long recess, an oil spill response bill will be high on their agenda... The question is whether Democrats can cut a deal in an election year with Republican opponents of tighter drilling regulations, who are banking on other polls showing voters also want to press ahead with deep-water drilling... Regardless of when legislation passes and the offshore drilling moratorium is lifted, the oil industry is 'still looking at a prolonged period of regulatory uncertainty,' said Robert Johnston, director of global energy and natural resources at the political risk consulting firm Eurasia Group."

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