
Older Activists, Younger Crowd Team to Fight Nukes. By Melanie S. Welte, AP, August 28, 2010. "After years of believing they had won the fight against nuclear energy, activists suddenly feel the battle is starting all over again. And they're trying to figure out how to win in an era of Facebook and Twitter as well as get the younger generation involved in the movement... For one group in Georgia, it's the newer crop that really has brought those technological skills to the table and a passion to educate others via the Internet, said Glenn Carroll, the coordinator with Nuclear Watch South, which opposes the proposed reactors in Georgia... For many, the issue isn't as simple as it once was. Concerns about global warming have left several environmentalists unsure about what really is the 'green' side of the issue, and it's been more than 30 years since the last high-profile accident in the U.S. Some, like Patrick Moore, have simply changed their minds. He was once a leader in the anti-nuclear movement, and now he's co-chair of the Clean and Save Energy Coalition, which supports the expansion of nuclear power."

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