
'One Nation' Rallies Progressive Activists at Lincoln Memorial. WashPost, 10/3/10. "A wide array of progressive groups drew tens of thousands of activists to the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday for a rally [One Nation Working Together] aimed at firing up their members and showcasing the diversity of their movement… 'This march was inclusive,' said NAACP President Benjamin Jealous, one of the lead organizers. 'We have seen cabdrivers come down from New York, truck drivers from Oklahoma. This is about moving the country with the spirit of unity and hope, and getting the country beyond the divisiveness.' The gathering occurred about one month after conservatives met on the same spot to unite around television personality Glenn Beck's vision of a nation returned to more traditional and religious values… The more than four hours of speeches, poetry and music were buttressed with testimonials from out-of-work Americans, immigrants, veterans and Native Americans. They focused on jobs, education and human rights issues in particular."

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