
Avoided Deforestation Carbon Trading' Needs Adjusting. Commentary by Jim Douglas, Canberra Times, April 7, 2008. "In early March, the Prime Minister [of Australia] announced the formation of the Papua New Guinea-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership, which is aimed at creating acceptable carbon offset opportunities from reduced deforestation in Papua New Guinea. Under this arrangement, Australia would in effect pay Papua New Guineau to reduce its level of deforestation, and in return would receive the rights... to subtract the greenhouse gas emissions that that deforestation would have caused from [its own] total GHG emissions. This process is often described as 'avoided deforestation carbon trading'... However, the avoided deforestation trading concept raises some large questions... [For example,] under this form of trading, what is to become of forests in countries that have significant areas of forest but relatively low rates historically of deforestation -- in other words, have little to offer the avoided deforestation market?" Jim Douglas works on climate change and natural resource issues as the forests adviser to the World Bank.

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