
Latins Get Help, Thanks to Kyoto. By John Dorschner, Miami Herald, April 6, 2008. "With little fanfare, hundreds of millions of dollars are flowing annually into Latin America, cleaning up city garbage dumps and country animal manure, financing hydroelectric dams and doing away with coal-burning power plants -- thanks to [the] Kyoto [Protocol]... Roughly 3,000 projects have been proposed in Latin America. Marco Monroy, a Miami executive who develops such projects [estimates] they bring $260 million a year to that region, climbing to $500 million perhaps next year. These sums are 'frankly peanuts,' said Christiana Figueres... of the Clean Development Mechanism, the U.N. group that oversees the projects. 'This is just the beginning,' [she] said at a global-warming conference in Coral Gables in January."

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