
Climate Change Could Spark More Islamic Extremism, Report Warns. By Lisa Freidman, EENews, April 25, 2008, subscription. "Climate change could spawn the next Osama bin Laden unless industrialized nations aggressively reduce emissions and help those suffering the brunt of weather catastrophes, a new international security report [PDF 141 pp] warns. From Bangladesh to Indonesia, sub-Saharan Africa to the Maldives, Muslim countries are in some of the most water-stressed regions of the world. As sea levels rise, the study from a top U.K. think tank predicts, so will tensions with the West. 'Climate change will be used by extremist groups to bolster existing resentment against developed countries,' author Nick Mabey wrote in Delivering Climate Security: International Security Responses to a Climate Changed World. Noting that bin Laden already has used the decades of emissions-spewing in the West to stoke resentment, Mabey implored industrialized countries to act quickly on global warming. Failing to do so, he said, could unravel confidence in the international system."

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