
Environmentalists Target 3 Senate Races. Press Release, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, April 17, 2008. "Building on the success of 2006, particularly the defeat of Richard Pombo, a coalition of leading environmental organizations led by the League of Conservation Voters [LCV], the Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, Environment America, and Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund today announced its top collaborative election targets in 2008. These organizations will work together to elect pro-environment champions in the Senate races in New Mexico, Colorado, and New Hampshire... Mark Udall has been a leader on renewable energy since his time in the Colorado State House, and as Co-Chair of the House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, he fights to expand America's commitment to renewable energy every day. His lifetime LCV score is 99%. Tom Udall [of New Mexico] has fought to defend America's wild spaces and led the first successful effort to pass meaningful renewable electricity standards in the House in 2007. His lifetime LCV score is 96%. Former Governor Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire worked with members of both parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants and has pledged to fight for clean energy as a US Senator."

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