
Climate Issues Split the Ranks of Washington's Powerful Business Lobby. By Elizabeth Williamson, WSJ, April 17, 2008, subscription. "[The] U.S. Chamber of Commerce [is] Washington's biggest-spending lobbying group... But as Washington tilts more Democratic, populist and green, some... are becoming leery... On issues such as climate change, [the Chamber's leader, Thomas Donahue] is finding his efforts countered by big corporations, several of them chamber members, taking a more liberal public stance... At least eight powerful chamber members -- including GE, Dow Chemical and Alcoa -- have joined with environmental groups to lobby for a 'cap-and-trade' system favorable to them... The chamber has also split with big companies over a consumer-product safety bill now in Congress... Congressional Democrats are becoming more aggressive in challenging business priorities, such as their move last week to sideline a free-trade deal with Colombia. With Democrats poised to make further gains in Congress, retired Marine Corps commandant Gen. James L. Jones... of the chamber's Institute for 21st Century Energy, said the chamber's 'Republican free-market philosophy' is due for fine-tuning. 'You can't be simply seen as leaning one way or the other,' he said."

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