The Three Things You Need to Know About Bush's Speech. By David Roberts, Grist, April 16, 2008. "The whole media world is in a frenzy, yet again, over a Bush speech on climate change. A new strategy! An effort to secure a legacy! Exciting new principles and goals! Even my own bosses are pressing me to come up with a thoughtful reaction. Sigh. I hate to be the party-pooper. But we've been here before. How many times does Lucy expect us to try to kick this football? Here are the three things you need to know about Bush's speech -- the same three things you needed to know about his previous speeches on the subject: 1) Bush's speech is not meant to advance serious efforts to address climate change, but to thwart the efforts of others... 2) The targets Bush does announce would doom the planet... 3) The Republican Party will not accept even the weak initiatives Bush lays out. For those who care about the details, I'll address specific parts of the speech beneath the fold."

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