Colorado Senate Committee Considers a 'Likely' Tax on Carbon. By John Ingold, Denver Post, April 8, 2008. "[Colorado] House Bill 1164 tells the Public Utilities Commission to look at adding large-scale solar-power facilities to the state's energy portfolio. But tucked within the bill is a requirement that the commission must consider the 'likelihood' that carbon emissions will be taxed in the future, which would bolster large-scale solar's case as a power source. The bill is scheduled for a Senate committee hearing today... 'It is a first step,' said Pam Kiely of Environment Colorado, 'to make sure Colorado is ready to deal with carbon regulation if it does happen'... But numerous Republicans blasted the bill when it passed the House last month. Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, calls it the 'palm-reading bill.'"

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