
How Green Are Your Candidate's Supreme Court Confirmations? Commentary by Leslie Carothers, CSM, April 8, 2008. "Suppose Congress and a like-minded White House do successfully collaborate on... comprehensive, bipartisan [climate legislation]. As happened to the original Clean Air Act, this new law will inevitably face court challenges... The law's ultimate reach will depend on how federal judges handle these cases, and whether they consider the public's arguments to be on an equal footing with industry's... John McCain promises to appoint judges 'in the mold of Roberts and Alito,' both of whom he supported for the Supreme Court. The Arizona senator has a solid environmental record and was an early leader in advocating mandatory controls on greenhouse gases... [But] he seems unaware of what a conservative judiciary could do to his environmental initiatives... The next president's decision to continue or reverse [Bush's judicial] legacy could have a real impact on global warming." (Leslie Carothers is president of the Environmental Law Institute, an independent, nonpartisan policy research and education center focused on improving environmental law and governance.) [Editor's note: The League of Conservation Voters gives McCain a lifetime voting score of 26 out of 100 on environmental issues.]

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