
Cynthia McKinney Poised for Green Party Run. By Matthew Cardinale, IPS, April 23, 2008. "With media attention focused almost exclusively on the dramatic contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, millions of U.S. voters probably have no inkling that there is a ballot option beyond the Democratic and Republican Parties. 'There needs to be room for a lot of policy threads in American discourse. But the corporate media is not informing the people,' Cynthia McKinney, the front-runner for the Green Party presidential nomination, told IPS... McKinney, a former congressional representative from Georgia, abandoned the Democratic Party last year in disgust at its failure to end the U.S. troop presence in Iraq, and is now poised for a presidential run on the Green Party ticket. She has won Green Party primaries in Arkansas, Illinois, and Washington, DC. Ralph Nader, who gave the party national stature as its candidate in 2000, won in California and Massachusetts, prior to announcing he is running as an Independent instead. McKinney also won the Green state caucuses in Wisconsin and Rhode Island, and has a total of 71 delegates... The likelihood of McKinney winning the nomination at the party's national convention in Chicago this summer is 'very high', Richard Winger, editor of Ballot Access News, told IPS, although he added that the Green Party will have a 'one in a million' chance of winning the presidency this November.'"

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