
Jane Goodall Passes Torch to World's Youth on Earth Day. By Barbara Liston, Reuters, April 23, 2008. "Renowned primatologist Jane Goodall, 74, symbolically passed the torch on Tuesday to a new generation of hand-picked environmental and peace activists whom she gathered this week for the first Jane Goodall Global Youth Summit. 'The 100 (young people) who are here represent hundreds of thousands of others,' Goodall said on the 38th annual Earth Day. 'You hear them debate some of the problems of the world, and you know there is hope for the future.' Goodall, who rose to fame in the 1960s through her ground-breaking study of chimpanzees in East Africa, now spends 300 days a year on the road using her personal story and rock star status among young people to inspire them to act on critical issues in their communities. She said her goal has been to build a critical mass of young activists to carry on her life's work for a more humane world, acting through youth organizations such as her own Roots & Shoots which started on her front porch in Tanzania in 1991. 'I was determined not to die until Roots & Shoots could survive. Now I know it will. It's got its own life without me, Goodall said. The 100 young people at the summit in Orlando, Florida, came from 28 countries, and all were selected personally by Goodall based on their work in their communities."

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