
Earth Day: 20 Ways You Can Fight Global Warming. By Laurie Goering, ChigTrib, April 22, 2008. "Much has been written about the geopolitics behind the fight against global warming. But effectively stemming climate change also means persuading individuals everywhere to cut their own emissions. Given polls showing that most Americans are concerned about climate change, the odds are that you're already doing something. Maybe you've traded in the gas guzzler, taught your kids the lost art of turning off the lights or started thinking about solar panels for that new house you hope to build. The fact is, there are plenty of easy, effective and often cheap ways to help control climate change. A few might even save you time and money, boost your stock portfolio and cut your cholesterol. As UN expert Rajendra Pachauri put it, the lifestyle changes needed to cut greenhouse-gas emissions 'don't mean we go back and start living in caves all over again.' We asked some of the world's leading climate-change scientists, policy advisers, economists and energy experts for their ideas on the most effective ways for individuals to make a difference. They came up with a wide range of suggestions..." [Editor's Note: Not to discredit the importance of the "easy" things one must do, but let us not lose sight, on this Earth Day, of the not so easy changes that we must also make.]

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