
Earth Equity News-April 21, 2008

Today is Your Last Chance to Be Heard About Cape Wind. Commentary by Charles Komanoff, Grist, April 21, 2008. "The federal agency in charge of the formal review of the Cape Wind project, the Minerals Management Service, is receiving public comments through Monday, April 21. It's the last opportunity for ordinary citizens to outshout the Kennedys and other plutocrats who would rather keep subjecting Cape Cod waters to oil tanker spills than sully their viewsheds with matchbox-sized spinning blades (which is how they'll appear from land). The Cape-based citizens group Clean Power Now ('It's not the view, it's the vision') has an e-mail form you can fill out in a few seconds to register your support. If you prefer to compose your own message, use this form from the project developers, Cape Wind. That's how I beat the deadline with my comments, below... [concluding with] 'Thoreau famously asked, What good is a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on? To have a shot at remaining tolerable for our descendants, our fragile, stressed, precious planet needs Cape Wind.'" Charles Komanoff is a cofounder of the Carbon Tax Center.

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