
Earth Equity News-April 11, 2008

Senate Votes to Extend 'Green' Energy Tax Breaks. By Sara Spivey, Las Vegas Review-Journal, April 11, 2008. "The Senate on Thursday voted to extend a suite of tax breaks for renewable-energy industries, a move to bolster investments and encourage job growth in forward-looking technologies. Despite the broad support of an 88-8 vote, the tax incentives face an uncertain future in Congress. They were attached to a major mortgage-relief bill that is expected to undergo significant changes in the coming weeks. The tax credits available on wind, solar, geothermal and other clean energy technologies will expire at the end of the year. The bill approved Thursday would extend for one year a 2-cent-per-kilowatt-hour production credit for wind, biomass, geothermal, small irrigation power, landfill gas, trash combustion and hydropower. A 30 percent tax credit for the manufacture of solar and fuel cells was extended to 2016. People who purchase solar panels to generate power also would qualify for a 30 percent write-off. Tax credits for makers of energy-efficient dishwashers, washing machines and refrigerators also would be extended, as would credits for home purchases of solar hot water heaters."

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