
Earth Equity News-April 14, 2008

Bush Reportedly Poised to Support Climate Legislation. By Stephen Dinan, WashTimes, April 14, 2008. "President Bush is poised to... announce as early as this week that he wants Congress to pass a [climate change] bill... Bush administration officials have told Republicans in Congress that they feel pressure to act... 'This is an attempt to move the administration and the party closer to the center on global warming'... said an administration source close to the White House... White House spokeswoman Dana Perino... said discussion has continued on how to follow up on Mr. Bush's call [to lead on a post-Kyoto Protocol framework] at the Group of Eight summit last year... Environmentalists say greenhouse gases can be regulated under existing rules under the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act or the National Environmental Policy Act, and have filed lawsuits to try to force action. The Bush administration and others want to avoid a web of rules and regulations for businesses."

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