
Earth Equity News-April 25, 2008

Georgia Gov. Launches Green Initiative. By Stacy Shelton, AtlantaJ-C, April 24, 2008. "On Thursday, Gov. Sonny Perdue declared a new 'culture of conservation' in a fast-growing state where every day the net loss of trees totals more than 100 acres, electric usage is among the top in the nation, and -- until recently -- water is generously lavished on lawns. On a three-stop state tour to launch Conserve Georgia, a marketing and public relations campaign aimed at rallying residents and businesses to conserve water, energy and land, Perdue ordered state government to reduce energy use 15 percent by 2020. 'I like to conserve money, but the way we do that is by conserving all over,' said Perdue [known as a business-friendly Republican], wearing jeans and work boots at his first stop at the Pratt Industries recycling plant in East Point. 'We want to make 'conservation' not a sacrificial word but a badge of honor.'"

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