
Earth Equity News-April 28, 2008

Obama Plays It Straight. Posted by Charles Komanoff, Grist, April 27, 2008. "Campaigning in Indiana, Obama distanced himself from the gas tax 'holiday' proposed by Sen. John McCain... 'The only way we're going to lower gas prices over the long term is if we start using less oil,' Obama said in Anderson. McCain pounced, saying... that 'Americans need strong leadership that can deliver lower gas prices and a healthier economy, not Barack Obama's inexperience and indecision'... Sen. Hillary Clinton did likewise, unveiling a new ad calling for suspension of the gasoline tax -- a proposal first advanced by McCain on April 15. As U.S. political campaigns go, the contrast between McCain-Clinton's playing the gas-tax card and Obama's brave clarity couldn't be clearer... McCain has no clue. Clinton surely does, but can't pass up a chance to pander. 'Hillary Clinton knows it's time to act, take some of the windfall profits of big oil to pay to suspend the gas tax this summer, investigate the oil giants for price gouging and collusion,' her ad says. Right. Shadow-box at Big Oil while taxpayers and the climate absorb the punch." [Editor's note: Clinton's ad is included in the Grist link.]

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