
Hansen Challenges Houghton Mifflin on Textbooks. By Brad Knickerbocker, CSM, April 17, 2008. "Among those who've started to worry and maybe do something in their lives about global climate change, James Hansen is not exactly a household name. Not like, say, Al Gore. But as one of the leading scientific experts and public Jeremiahs on the subject, the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York has been in the thick of it for many years. He heads a federal government research team that's butted heads with climate skeptics and sometimes with the Bush administration. Dr. Hansen, who writes prolifically, is often called to testify before Congress. And last week he was tossing rhetorical darts at the Houghton Mifflin publishing company for what he calls 'many gross errors' in a textbook used in colleges and Advanced Placement high school classes. One chapter, written by conservative authors, states that 'science doesn't know how bad the greenhouse effect is' and that global warming is 'enmeshed in scientific uncertainty.'"

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