
Sen. Lautenberg: 2/3 of Oil Consumed in U.S. From 'Unstable Regions'SHINGTON --. By Will Lester, AP, San Luis Obispo Tribune, April 27, 2008. "The public should pressure President Bush and his Republican allies in Congress to change energy policies that have led to record gasoline prices and intense economic pressures on working people, veteran Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg said Saturday... [during] the Democrats' weekly radio address... 'Democrats are fighting hard for change, and we have made real progress,' Lautenberg said. 'We passed a new energy bill that begins to turn the tide'... Another short-term problem is reducing the market speculation that drives up fuel prices. But the long-term answer is to cut the nation's dependency on fossil fuel, he said. 'Our country burns 21 million gallons of oil every day... Two-thirds of that oil is imported from unstable regions of the world, run by governments who are not our friends. The long-term solution... lies in alternative fuels and efficiency. If we aggressively promote innovation in solar, wind, biofuels and geothermal power, we can help lower energy prices, turn the tide on global warming and strengthen our national security.'"

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