
Grist's Interview with Top McCain Environmental Advisor. Posted by David Roberts, Grist, April 21, 2008. "Opinions differ on the quality of John McCain's domestic policy agenda, but you'd have trouble finding anyone in Washington who would disparage the man he's chosen as one of his top advisers. Douglas Holtz-Eakin has a dauntingly long resume and a reputation among policy wonks on both sides of the aisle for fair-minded number crunching. He has taught economics at top-notch universities, served as a senior economist in both Bush administrations, and run the Congressional Budget Office from 2003 to 2005 (where he was a 'thorn in the side' of the current administration). He is now running the Center for Geoeconomic Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. I caught him by phone to get the scoop on McCain's climate and energy policy." [Editor's note: This link contains highlights from the Holtz-Eakin interview with a link to the full one, as well as a link to Grist's interview with McCain.]

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