
The Sound of Popping 'Trial Balloons'. By H. Josef Hebert, AP, April 14, 2008. "A range of options presented at a meeting last week between senior White House officials and a group of Republican lawmakers was aimed at gauging the reaction to a possible shift of Bush administration policy on climate change. 'The meeting was set up to float a few trial balloons' and it did not go well, with some participants viewing it as 'political appeasement' on global warming, said a GOP operative... White House press secretary Dana Perino... said no decision had been made... 'We aren't necessarily against cap-and-trade'... Perino said, [adding] quickly, 'What we've seen so far from Congress is not something that we can support'... Among the proposals floated... was one that would limit the emissions cap to electric power plants, while also allowing a 'safety valve' if the cost is found to be too high. The Senate bill has no such escape valve and covers emissions almost across the economy."

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