
Earth Equity News-April 15, 2008

Is Bush Seeking a Legacy on Global Warming After All? Commentary by Andrew C. Revkin, NYTimes, April 15, 2008. "Both at home and overseas, there are signs that the White House... is aiming to repair its legacy on [global warming]. Trial balloons are lofting and swirling... The story [by Stephen Dinan in the Washington Times Monday] indicated that the [Administration's] proposal [to Republicans on Capitol Hill] was strongly rebuffed... In Europe, in the meantime, there have been some hints that the Bush administration is closing in on a specific long-term goal for cutting greenhouse gas emissions -- possibly 50 percent by 2050... The third round of talks comes in Paris Thursday and Friday. If specific numbers emerge, this would be the first hint of a particular (if non-binding) target and timetable... The White House has also signaled recently that it would be willing to sign a treaty containing binding restrictions... if China signs on as well... Dana Perino, the White House press secretary, fielded several questions about the Washington Times story... essentially confirm[ing] the main points. For those... interested, I've posted the... transcript."

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