U.S. Companies Have Made Canadian City 'Most Polluted in North America': RFK. By Trevor Wilhelm, Windsor Star, April 27, 2008. "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Sunday that U.S. companies have made Windsor [Ontario] 'the most polluted city in North America,' and [Riverkeeper, Kennedy's environmental watchdog group, is] taking them [including power company DTE Energy] to court to answer for the health toll they've taken... 'Mainly, the problem is [that] Windsor is downwind from Detroit,' Kennedy told reporters... 'Windsor has some of the highest cancer rates, particularly thyroid cancer rates'... Kennedy... was in Windsor for the final day of the Rotary World Peace Summit [which] brought 1,000 delegates [to Windsor] from around the world... Kennedy gave a speech called Our Environmental Destiny [in which] he talked about the U.S. oil 'addiction' that has caused wars and devastated America's economy, prosperity and international prestige. He also lamented the practice of using up the world's resources 'for a few years of pollution-based prosperity. Our children are going to pay for our joy ride,' said Kennedy, nephew of the late president, John F. Kennedy. 'Environmental injury is deficit spending. It's a way of loading today's prosperity on the backs of our children.'" [Editor's note: RFK, Jr. continues to evoke strong criticism from climate activists for his very public campaign against the Cape Wind project in Nantucket Sound.]

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