
Alaskan Taxpayers Fund 'Skeptic' Polar Bear Conference. By Tom Kizzia, Anchorage Daily News, May 4, 2008. "A $2 million program funded with little debate by the [Alaskan] Legislature last month calls for using state money to fund an 'academic based' conference that highlights contrarian scientific research on global warming [in hopes of undermining] public perception of a widespread consensus among polar bear researchers that warming global temperatures and melting Arctic ice threaten [their] survival. Republican legislative leaders say a federal decision to declare the polar bears 'threatened' by climate change [under the Endangered Species Act] would have troubling effects on Arctic oil development and the state's economic future. Last week a federal judge ordered the Bush administration to release [by May 15] its already-tardy decision [on polar bears] under the... Act... By law, such a decision must be based strictly on science, not on possible economic consequences."

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