
Bill Gates Still Supports Big Stone II Coal Project. Posted by Ted Nace, Grist, May 4, 2008. "Unlike his bridge buddy Warren Buffett, who recently cancelled six planned coal projects, Bill is still pushing coal. Cascade Investment Management, his personal investment company, is the largest stakeholder (9%) in Otter Tail Corporation, the lead sponsor of the controversial Big Stone II coal project... This is not the first time Gates investments have come under the ethical spotlight. In [January] 2007, an L.A. Times article critiqued Gates Foundation investments... Following the... expose, the Gates Foundation promised [to] 'formalize the process by which Bill and Melinda Gates analyze and review these issues.' There are some indications that such reviews may indeed be starting to happen, at least within the Gates family's own personal portfolio... Cascade Investment Management recently unloaded its stake in Pacific Ethanol. So far, however, Gates has shown no sign of yielding to critics on Big Stone II."

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