Group Submits Comments on Proposal to Open Nevada Public Lands to Oil and Gas Development. Press Release, Center for Biological Diversity, April 28, 2008. "The Center for Biological Diversity submitted comments [on Monday] urging the federal Bureau of Land Management to scrap its proposal to open 1.7 million acres of public lands in Lander and Nye counties [Nevada] to oil and gas development because the drilling would exacerbate global climate change and further threaten imperiled species. At the heart of the Center's complaint is the Bureau's failure to analyze or even acknowledge the environmental impacts from the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the development and consumption of oil and gas produced from the area, despite the National Environmental Policy Act's mandate to fully disclose the environmental impacts from federal actions... The impacts of climate change on Nevada include prolonged heat waves and higher night-time temperatures, severe droughts, more wildfires, widespread beetle infestations in both low and high elevation forests, loss of species [such as the Lahontan cutthroat trout], and the spread of diseases such as the West Nile virus. Nevada's water supply is also threatened by climate change, due to less snowfall and earlier runoff in both local mountains as well as the headwaters of the Colorado River.

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