
Houston Adopts Green Energy Code for New Commercial Buildings. By Carol Feibel, HoustonChron, May 1, 2008. "Starting August 1, new commercial buildings [in Houston] will have to meet energy-efficiency benchmarks... under a new energy code approved Wednesday by the City Council. [Democrat] Mayor Bill White said the small upfront cost increase for builders -- about 1% -- will be paid back by utility savings that can range between 10 and 15% a year... The new code requires new commercial buildings to have design elements... such as heat-trapping vestibules, reflective roofs, and insulation. The council passed the code by a 14-0 vote... The city also is developing a new energy code for residential building. That could appear on the council agenda in a month or two. Some engineers protested the new rules... but the majority of speakers supported the move."

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