
Italy Plans to Resume Building Atomic Plants. By Elisabeth Rosenthal, NYTimes, May 23, 2008. "Italy announced Thursday that within five years it planned to resume building nuclear energy plants, two decades after a public referendum resoundingly banned nuclear power and deactivated all its reactors... The change is a striking sign of the times, reflecting growing concern in many European countries over the skyrocketing price of oil and energy security, and the warming effects of carbon emissions from fossil fuels. All have combined to make this once-scorned form of energy far more palatable... Emma Bonino, an opposition politician and vice president of the Italian Senate, said building nuclear plants made no economic sense because they would not be ready for at least 20 years. 'We should be investing more in solar and wind,' she said. 'We should be moving much more quickly to improve energy efficiency, of buildings, for example. That's something Italy has never done anything with.'"

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