
Queen Elizabeth's Crown Estate to Buy Prototype of World's Largest Wind Generator. Press Release, Clipper Windpower, May 17, 2008. "Clipper Windpower Plc ("Clipper") and The Crown Estate are pleased to announce that The Crown Estate has signed an agreement to purchase Clipper's prototype of the world's largest offshore wind turbine, Clipper's 7.5MW MBE turbine, also referred to as the Britannia project... In addition to a unique and diverse property portfolio, encompassing urban and rural estates, the marine interests of The Crown Estate include almost the entire UK territorial seabed out to 12 nautical miles and around 55 per cent of the UK's coastal foreshore. In addition, The Crown Estate has the rights to lease seabed for the generation of renewable energy on the continental shelf within the Renewable Energy Zone which extends out to approximately 200 nautical miles... The MBE prototype turbine will be assembled and tested... in Blyth in the North East of England, strategically located to serve the offshore turbine development zones."

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