
Kansas Coal Plant Bill Dead for This Legislative Session. By Jim Sullinger, Wichita Eagle, May 22, 2008. "The Kansas Legislature's debate on coal and electric power is over for this year, but the controversy will linger for months -- on the campaign trail and in the courts. After failing twice to override vetoes by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, House Speaker Melvin Neufeld finally threw in the towel Wednesday, calling off a third effort May 29 to clear the way for two coal-fired power plants in western Kansas. He was unable to round up enough lawmakers to return to Topeka for another attempt at overriding a third veto. Officials of Sunflower Electric Power Corp. vowed to continue their push to build two 700-megawatt coal-burning plants in Holcomb in southwest Kansas. They plan to meet with their utility partners early next month to chart their next move."

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