
Ship Emissions Bill Sent to Full Senate. By Erica Werner, AP, May 21, 2008. "Dangerous air emissions from giant cargo ships would be sharply reduced under legislation that passed [the Environment and Public Works Committee yesterday] despite objections from Republicans. The bill by Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., chairwoman of the... committee, would require much cleaner fuel to be used by U.S. or foreign vessels that traffic in U.S. ports. The cheap, asphalt-like diesel that oceangoing ships currently burn has a sulfur content many thousand times higher than the diesel sold for U.S. trucks, leading to unsafe sulfur oxide emissions that can aggravate asthma and cause other respiratory illnesses. 'The folks who live around ports and who work at the ports deserve to have the cleanest air possible. That fuel is available,' Boxer said before the committee passed the bill on voice vote, sending it to the full Senate."

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