
A New York Bottled Water Paradox: Banned, and Required. By Jim Dwyer, NYTimes, May 14, 2008. "After two years of extremely heated debate that included references to ecology, history, geography, and the politics of selling or buying mass-produced cupcakes, the Park Slope Food Co-op in Brooklyn voted at the end of last month to discontinue the sale of bottled water. It comes to about 670 gallons of water per week. Just as the co-op (membership: 13,966) has been selling its last few ounces of designer water, NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia hospital is very quietly going into its third year with signs posted over every sink in one of its newest buildings that say: 'Do not drink the water. Use bottled water for drinking, brushing teeth, or taking medication.' This translates to bottles of water by the tens of thousands, every year. So at one end of town they have banished tap water; 18 miles away, they've banned bottled water."

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