At U.N. Climate Talks in Bonn, Chairman Seeks Concrete Proposals. Reuters, June 9, 2008. "[Brazilian Luiz Figueiredo Machado,] chairman of U.N. climate talks [in Bonn] urged [the 170 participant] governments on Friday to boost efforts to secure a new [climate] deal... by making specific proposals as soon as possible. Participants hope to reach an agreement by December 2009 so that it can come into force after the first round of the Kyoto Protocol... ends in 2012... Concrete proposals meant 'ideas' rather than texts for a new climate deal, which governments may not even start discussing this year given [the] U.S. presidential election... 'The pressure is building but far too slowly,' said Hans Verolme, a campaigner with... Germanwatch. But environmental groups also saw some grounds for hope after the latest discussions... Switzerland proposed a tax on carbon emissions above a certain per capita level, several environmental groups said. This would imply a big financial burden for the U.S., less so for Europe and none at all for the poorest states... Norway had proposed using proceeds from auctioning emissions rights to richer nations to fund the climate fight in developing nations."

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