Kite Power is Gaining Lift. By Thomas Content, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, June 16, 2008. "With energy prices skyrocketing, Rob Creighton remains a firm believer in his plan to generate power from wind using large kites. An inventor who was inspired by the sport of kite boarding, Creighton, 34, wants to produce kite-powered systems to replace diesel engine-powered irrigation systems in rural areas of India and other developing countries. On a windy spring day, Creighton, founder of Windlift LLC, continued to [experiment]... with new lines and a different kite... Like wave power, another up-and-coming but still-in-development form of renewable energy, kite power is catching on. In the past year, SkySails, a German-based wind-power company, demonstrated its barge-pulling system powered by giant kites on a sail from Germany to Venezuela."

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